Tuesday, March 24, 2015

*Tricks and Tips to Travel*

You always want to travel like you've been traveling your whole life, smart and experienced. But, have you ever flew to a destination or driven anywhere and just felt completely discombobulated? It used to happen to me often but not anymore because of these small tips...

1. First of, packing. Packing can be super hard. You want to pack every thing you'll ever need but you can't over pack. Arriving to the start of your vacation and realizing you forgot underwear or a toothbrush isn't always fun. Make a list of the stuff you need to bring on pen and paper. Review that list and collect all the items on that list. After that, roll your clothes into mini-burritos instead of folding them. It will create more room in your suitcase, and less wrinkles on your clothing. Then simply pack all of your necessities.

White Shirt is Rolled vs. Black Shirt is Folded 

2. While in the midst of packing, you should place a dryer sheet inside of you suitcase. It will keep your clothes smelling nice and fresh, and it reduces static built up on your fabric. You can purchase dryer sheets at any drug store, but you might have them laying around the house.

3. In your carry on, your phone chargers and headphones probably get very tangled and lost in the endless pit you call your bag. Well, store them in a glasses case for easy storage.

Handy Dandy!

4. For a short quick trip, instead of lugging around big bottles of shampoo, condition, lotion, or sunscreen, use straws to carry some small portions of your toiletries and pinch them of at the top with a staple then tape.

5. Nothings worse then having to pack grimy shoes in a suitcase full of clothes. If you are ever worried about your spare pare of shoes getting your clothes dirty, put your shoes in a shower cap to separate them from clothing and other items.

6. Hydrate or dye-dryate! Bring an empty water bottle in your carry on, then fill it once you pass security to save plastic and money.

7. If you forget the head of your charger/ wall charger and your stuck with just the usb chord, you can plug the usb into the hotel's Television usb port. Probably never thought of that one did you!

8. If you are in a foreign country and its the end of your trip, collect all your leftover coins and give them to the homeless. It's not like they're going to be very useful in the United States.

These little tricks may help a great deal on your next trip, long or short. If your ever in need of travel tip assistance look back at this post and I'm sure you will leave knowing one helpful trick tip! Always travel smoothly.

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