Friday, January 16, 2015

Lacrosse... and Traveling?

I am currently on the plane flying to Palm Springs California for a lacrosse tournament. I know this blog is about traveling and wonderful destination throughout the globe…but It’s also about me and lacrosse is a big part of my life. 

Me and my friends at the playoffs last year! 

This tourney is called sandstorm and it’s a biggie; teams from all over bring their “A-game” and come to compete and Im pumped! After this hard tedious week of finals, its going to be nice to let lose and play some good lacrosse with my team.

I started playing about a year and a half ago, and I already love the game. Lacrosse originated from the Indians, but recently it started on the east coast. It was more in private schools then expanded from there alway to the west. So, its fairly a new sport to the western side of the U.S. Luckily I picked it up. 

If you have never witnessed a women's lacrosse game, it is pretty interesting. It’s a totally different game from boys. There is not as much contact, but it moves much faster! We wear eye goggles and mouth guards and thats about it. Some girls wear concussion helmets or gloves, but thats not super common. There are four girls on defense, four girls on attack, three midfielders, and one goalie. We have one half time, obviously at the half of the game. Girls lacrosse is really similar to soccer… but better!Any soccer player would make a fabulous lacrosse player, and vice versa. 
The field!

Playing lacrosse at an elite, competitive level requires quite a bit of travel. There are definitely local tournaments, but the level of play is fairly low in Utah. If you want to “step up your game” going to a California tournament or east coast will really do the trick. The amount of contact increases the more east coast or west coast you go. In California the refs allow more contact, and the same for going to the east. The refs aren't very consistent with their calls, so you have to work with the calls they just throw at you. Exciting right?

The funny thing about lacrosse is that you can be on many teams all at once. For example, I'm on four club teams. Some people get worn out, but I like the busyness. 

The furthest I have ever gone for a lacrosse tournament or camp is probably San Francisco. Thats not too far, but I have traveled to California roughly six times for camps and tournaments. Out of all those times, I probably have drove like once or twice. 

I always enjoy tournaments greatly. The playing/lacrosse environment is completely awesome; and the friends/social aspect is almost just as good. I love playing several tough games, and coming back to the hotel, eating good food, swimming in the pool, and bathing in the sun which we don’t see much in the winter. 

If you aren't playing lacrosse now, I highly recommend it. Lots of travel involved! 

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